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Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

The 4th Role Models of SeSat!

The Role Models of SeSat this month is...


Yuli Puspita a.k.a Dhevy Cancezter
She was born on July, 8th.
We choose her as The 4th Role Models of SeSat this month because she is dilligent girl, always pray to God, funny, smart, she can speaks Germany language, she is the 1st ranking in the class last semester, and..... she's so FRIENDLY!

We really must to imitate her behavior because it was very good attitude.<$2Fspan>
Congratulations, Mom! And the price is much love from SeSat hihihihi. LOVE YOUUUU!! ^_^

Eiya minggu ini kita super sibuk loh! PRnya banyak yg numpuk -__-"
Jangan lupa besok lusa ada ulangan sosiologi. Yg belom tau materinya apa aja, bisa sms ke admin atau tanya ke yg lainnya. Insyaallah semuanya udah pada tau materi yg harus dipelajari apa aja hehe.
Jangan lupa hari Selasa ngumpulin PR matematika. Menggambar grafik trigonometri dari Uji Kompetensi 6.5 (paket). Kerjakan di kertas milimeter. Yg belom punya, beli dong! Kalau ndak tau beli di mana, bisa minta tolong temen-temennya yg udah beli. Jangan diem ajaaaa.. usaha dong! :D
